
Posted at May 7, 2014 3:19 pm


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Meet Helen Pilz

Posted at Feb 2, 2014 7:34 pm

_wsb_123x189_Helen+8-30-07In elementary school, Helen won a writing contest. (Something about astronauts rocketing to Mars.) She’s long since lost the pen she received as a prize but remembers the thrill of writing and having those words enjoyed by others.

Born into a U.S. Air Force family, Helen lived in many places around the world, including Dublin, Ireland; Ankara, Turkey; the Philippine Islands; and London, U.K. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Wildlife Biology with a minor in history and additional studies in forest and rangeland management.

For many years, she managed endangered species programs for federal agencies. She’s also work as a real estate sales agent,  herbarium curator, university lab dishwasher, secretary, restaurant food preparer, grocery bagger and wild land firefighter.

Helen’s a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA) and RWA chapters: Hearts Through History Romance Writers; Futuristic, Fantasy & Paranormal RWA; and Land of Enchantment Romance Authors. She also has awesome writer friends who read over her drafts. Thanks all!

She lives in New Mexico with her hero husband (they married in a romantic castle in Scotland!), a too cute yellow Labrador retriever, and more books than her house can reasonably hold.

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